Practical Cattle
for Practical Cattlemen.

2025 Private Treaty Bull Sale

Saturday, February 15, 2025

We will offer 22 bulls, 14 to 17.5 months old. Bulls will be available for viewing at 8:00 am on sale day.
This sale will be silent auction style and it will conclude at 2:00 pm. Lunch will be provided.

The 7P Ranch is located in East Texas just outside of Tyler, Texas and has been breeding Simmental and SimAngus cattle for over 50 years. In that time our breeding program has involved extensive A.I. utilizing breed leading proven genetics. In recent years we started breeding SimAngus cattle because we believe in the merits of crossbreeding and want to offer these genetics to our customers. Everything we do is based on our goal of providing practical cattle for practical cattlemen. And, because of that, we produce a complete package – the kind of cattle that are sound, functional, efficient and productive.

At weaning, the bull calves are sorted through and the best Black and Red Purebred, SimAngus and Simbrah bull calves are kept to sell as yearlings. 7P develops these bull calves on a high forage diet and supplemented with Purina rations.

The heifer calves are weaned and also developed on a high forage diet and supplemented with Purina rations. At 14 months of age, these heifers are A.I.’d to breed leading sires in Simmental, SimAngus and Angus.

In 2017 we began artificial inseminating a select group of Simmental and SimAngus cows to, heifer sexed, Brahman semen. Yearly, we will A.I. 150 to 300 head to sexed semen from breed leading Brahman sires. Our goal is to provide our customers with top quality, docile golden certified F-1 and commercial females. These heifers are developed and bred along with our Simmental and SimAngus heifers. We offer these females bred to Simmental and Angus sires and as open yearling heifers.

The ranch consists of 1800 acres of established Bermuda grass pastures. The majority of the pastures are Coastal Bermuda with only 52 acres consisting of Tifton 85 Bermuda. There are 575 acres of hay meadows and the hay used on the 7P is harvested and fed by the ranch.

The 7P Ranch host two sales a year at the ranch headquarters. The Annual Spring Bull Sale is held on the third Saturday in February. This sale offers a selection of yearling to two year old, Red and Black Simmental and SimAngus bulls. The Annual Production Sale is held on the last Saturday in October and offers a selection of yearling to 2 yr. old, Red and Black Simmental and SimAngus bulls, bred heifers and bred commercial F-1 Brahman cross heifers.

If you need more information or have questions, please feel free to contact us.